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Mac Kompatibilitäts-Liste

Unsere Leserumfrage '99 hat ergeben, daß fast ein Drittel aller Amiga-Besitzer MacOS unter einem Emulator (Fusion oder Shapeshifter) als alternatives Betriebssystem nutzen. In unserer Printausgabe betrachten wir regelmäßig ein Programm, das sich besonders sinnvoll unter einer Macintosh-Emulation nutzen läßt. In unserer Webausgabe veröffentlichen wir an dieser Stelle eine Kompatibilitätsliste, d.h. eine Liste von Programmen, die per Emulation auch auf dem Amiga laufen. Bitte senden auch Sie uns Ihre Beiträge zu dieser Liste per eMail zu...

Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung an alle Mitwirkenden: Dirk Baeyens, Nico Barbat, Marion Breitner, Constanze Cloppenburg, Marc Cloppenburg, Kai Comes, Thomas Franziskowski, Harald Guttner, Holger Hinrichs, Rolf Höfers, Stefan Hübner, Andreas Koch, Alex Konstanz, Michael Krüger, Michael Lünzer, Stefan Martens, Nicole Raukamp, Thomas Raukamp, Andreas Steup und Florian Taubert und natürlich an die Ersteller der Shapeshifter Compatibility List.

Name Genre
3D Screamers 1 action
3D Ultra Pinball 1 pinball sim
3D Ultra Pinball 2 pinball sim
A-10 Tank Attack flight sim
Abuse shooter
Adobe Acrobat Reader graphic tool
Afterlife economy sim
Al Unser Jr. race sim
Aladdin Activity Centre children
Alley 19 Bowling bowling-simulation
Alone in the Dark 2 action adventure
Alone in the Dark 3 action adventure
Amber adventure
Angel Devoid adventure
Apeiron arcade
Ares strategical
Astrorock action
Avara action
Bad Day on Midway / The Residents multimedia
Bad Mojo adventure
Barrack arcade
Battle Girl action
BBL HomeBank 1.0 - Belgium homebanking
BBL HomeBank 2.0 - Belgium homebanking
Berlin Connection documentation
Black & Bleu error-displayer
Blackthorne jump'n'run
Bloodbath shooter
Bolo arkanoid-clone
Bonkheads action
Bubble Trouble arcade
Buried in Time adventure
Caesar 2 strategical
Caesar 3 strategical
Catz 1 play with a cat
Chaos action
Chaos Overlords strategical
Chessmaster 4000 chess sim
China adventure
Chrial strategical
Chuck Yeager`s Air Combat flight sim
Civilization 1 strategical
Civilization 2 strategical
Claris Works 3.0 application
Claris Works 3.0 application
Colonization strategical
Comanche heli sim
Conquest of the New World strategical
Crystal Caliburn pinball sim
Cuba! flight sim
Curse of Dragor adventure
Curze of the Azure Bonds roleplay
Cytadel of Death adventure
Cythera strategical
Damage Inc. 3d-shooter
Dark Castle action
Dark Forces unknown
Daedalus Encounter adventure
Dark Forces 3d-shooter
Das Grab des Pharao adventure
Day of the Tentacle adventure
Deadlock strategical
Deer Hunter simulation
Der Ring der Nibelungen adventure
DeTeMedien Telefonbuch info-tool
Diamonds 3D skill
Die Affäre Morlov adventure
Digital Messiah adventure
Discworld 1 adventure
dogz 1 play with a dog
Doom 1 3d-shooter
Doom 2 3d-shooter
Drag Strip dock-bar
Drag Thing 2.9 dock-bar
Dragon's Lair 1 action adventure
Drop Stuff pack-tool
Duke Nukem 3D 3d-shooter
Dungeon Master 2 roleplay
Dust adventure
Eine kurze Geschichte der Zeit science program
Escape Velocity shooter
EV Override strategical
Evocation adventure
Exile 1 roleplay
Exile 2 roleplay
Exile 3 roleplay
F/A-18 Hornet 1.2 flight sim
F/A-18 Hornet 2.01d flight sim
Final Doom 3d-shooter
Flashback action
Frankenstein adventure
Freak Show / The Residents multimedia cd-rom
Freddi Fish 1 children
Freddi Fish 2 children
Freddi Fish 3 children
Freddi Fish 4 children
FreePPP TCP/IP-tool
Full Throttle (Vollgas) adventure
Full Tilt pinball sim
Future Cop 3d-shooter
Gabriel Knight adventure
Gearheads strategical
Gegen das Vergessen Documentation CD
Giza 2 adventure
Gobliins 2 adventure
Golden Gate Killer adventure
Graphic Converter 3.6 graphic tool
Gridz jump'n'run
Grotic 2 strategical
Guesh Patti Interactive music video
Harry the Handsome Executive action
Havoc tank sim
Hell adventure
Hellcab adventure
Heros of Might and Magic 2 strategical
Hexen 3d-shooter
Hiracs 6 chess-sim
Histoire de France video
iCab www-browser
Incredible Machine unknown
Independence Day action
Indiana Jones 4 adventure
International Tennis tennis game
IQ Expander mind game
Iron Helix adventure
Isis adventure
Janosch - Ich mach Dich gesund children
Janosch - Kleine Tigerschule children
Janosch - Kleiner Tiger bekommt ein Fahrrad children
Janosch - Riesenparty für den Tiger children
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 jump'n'run
Jewels of the Oracle adventure
Jump Raven shooter
Karma adventure
Kays Power Goo effect tool
Kid Pix 2 graphic tool
King's Quest 7 adventure
Legend of Kyrandia adventure
Lego Lego-simulation
Leisure Suit Larry 1 adventure
Lemmings 1 strategical
Les guignols de l'info adventure
Links LS golf-sim
Links Pro golf-sim
Lion King Storybook children
Lode Runner ladder game
Löwenzahn 1 children
Mac Attack action
Mac Chess strategical
Mac LHA 2.13 archive tool
Mac Pipes skill
Mac RAR archive tool
Mac Zip archive tool
Maelstrom arcade
Marathon 1 3d-shooter
Marathon 2 3d-shooter
Marathon 3 3d-shooter
Master of Orion 2 strategical
Monkey Island 1 adventure
Monkey Island 2 adventure
MS Excel 5 calculation tool
MS Internet Explorer 4.01 internet browser
MS Word 6.0.1 text-editor
Mummy-Romb of the Pharao adventure
Musée d'Orsay video
Myst adventure
Nethack roleplay
Netscape Communicator >4.07 internet browser
Nightfall adventure
Oh no! More Lemming! strategical
Out of the Sun flight sim
Outpost strategical
Pac Mac Deluxe skill
Pagemaker 5.0 dtp-tool
PageStream 3.4 dtp-tool
Pajama Sam 1 children
Panic in the Park adventure
Panzer General strategical
Pathways Into Darkness 3d-shooter
Peter Pan children
Peter Punchinbag action game
PGA Tour Golf 1 golf-sim
PGA Tour Golf 2 golf-sim
PGA Tour Golf 3 golf-sim
Phantasmagoria adventure
Photoshop >4 graphic-tool
Pirates! Gold simulation
Player Pro >4.9 audio player
Police Quest 1 adventure
Police Quest 2 adventure
Police Quest 3 adventure
Police Quest 4 adventure
Police Quest 5 adventure
Populous 1 strategical
Populous 2 strategical
Powermonger strategical
Prime Target 3d-shooter
Pro Pinball pinball sim
Putt-Putt & Fatty Bear children
QuickTime 4 qt-anim-player
Quit It System Patch
Realmz roleplay
Rebel Assault 1 space opera
Rebel Assault 2 space opera
Rechtschreiben ab 8. Klasse education
Redjack adventure
Return to Zork adventure
Rolling Stones - Voodoo Lounge music video
Sam & Max hit the Road adventure
Safecracker adventure
Schiffe versenken strategical
Secrets of the Luxor adventure
Sensory Overload 3d-shooter
Settlers 2 strategical
Shanghai Double Pack mind game
Shine adventure
Shivers unknown
Shockwave Assault shooter
Shrink Warp imp-file-maker
Sim City 2000 simulation
Sim Life simulation
Sim Tower simulation
Simple Text text-viewer
Skittles strategical
Skyborg adventure
Slithereens arcade
Snak 3.2 irc tool
Snood strategical
Sound Trecker music-tool
Space Quest 6 adventure
Spaceship Warlock adventure
Spunky Duffle mind
Star Control strategical
Star Trek - 25th Anniversary adventure
Star Trek - Borg space opera
Star Trek - Final Unity adventure
Star Trek - Judgement Rites adventure
Star Warped adventure
Star Wars - Gungan Frontier simulation
Strip Jack mind game
Stuff It pack-tool
Stuff It Deluxe pack-tool
Super Wing Commander shooter
Swoop arcade
Syndicate strategical
Theme Park sim
Teach Text write program
Telefonbuch für Deutschland info-tool
Tetris Max skill game
The Dig adventure
The Jungle Book children
Titanic adventure
Titanic video
TKKG 6: Fälscherbande... adventure
Toast 3.x cd-burner-tool
Tubular Worlds shooter
Under a killing moon adventure
Unser Universum science program
Virtual Wings flight sim
Vitamin action
Voyeur adventure
Warcraft 1 - Orks and Humans strategical
Warcraft 2 - Tides of Darkness strategical
Warlords 1 strategical
Warlords 2 strategical
Welt der Wunder 1 infotainment
Welt der Wunder 2 infotainment
Wolfenstein 3D 1 3d-shooter
Wolfenstein 3D 2 3d-shooter
Wolfpack sub battle sim
Word Perfect 3.5 text editor
Worms strategical
X-Files adventure
X-Wing space opera
You don't know Jack 1 mind game
You don't know Jack 2 mind game
ZipIt archive tool

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